MIMM: Gym Sesh, Ice Cream, BBQ Fun!

Happy Monday! I don’t know about you, but I’m still enjoying my last day of the long weekend, so that makes today especially marvelous!

I’m linking about with Katie’s Marvelous in My Monday to celebrate my fab weekend!

Marvelous is…impromptu Friday night gym trips! My brother just signed up for a gym membership and got me a 10 day trial. So after I got to my parent’s house, I ate a quick dinner and we headed to the gym. We spent about an hour and half at the gym; started off with a mile run and then did an ab and mini arm workout. Let me tell you, my abs felt it! I had a blast and really need to find a Madison gym buddy….anyone out there interested?!

Marvelous is…ice cream from Kopps. If you’re from southeastern Wisconsin, chances are good you’ve been to Kopps and know its amazingness. If not, get in the car and go to the nearest location. If you’re not from Wisconsin…I’m so sorry, you’re missing out.

Marvelous is…finally getting a pedicure. I haven’t had a pedicure in two years, maybe. My dad generously paid for me to go and it was fantastic. It was basically an hour of having my feet and calves being pampered, which was a godsend because my plantar fasciitis has really done a doozy on my left leg. I left feeling amazing!

MIMM: Doodles, Frozen Water Bottles, and Obsessive Magazine Reading

Happy Monday al! For many of you who work in education in some capacity (K-12, higher ed <–like me!) or are college students yourself, we’re gearing up for the beginning of another school year. I love the buzz on campus during the first week; there is so much excitement and hope and it’s as if the possibilities are endless. (Remind me of this when I’m complaining in November that things are drab, students are cranky, and I’m tired!).

Today I’m hooking up with Katie’s Marvelous in My Monday, because my weekend was quite marvelous!

Marvelous is…spending lots of quality time with Charlie! If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you know that I’m dog sitting Charlie this week. We’ve had such a fun time snuggling, going on LOTS of walks (think four per day), and playing in the backyard. Even though he is a ton of work (and wakes me up at 5am!), I’ve really been reminded how much I love having him around. It’s like a constant love fest!

Left: Selfie. Yup, I do that. Right: Before a workout – it’s nice to have a running partner!
IMG_2760That’s his “Mom, stop taking pictures of me” look. I get it a lot…

Marvelous is….completing my first week of half marathon training and already seeing progress! I’ve started a training log (because I’m super hardcore, obviously!), to track my mileage, average pace, and splits. This week alone I’ve improved my average place and each mile split. I ‘m sure I can attribute a lot of it to getting more comfortable with my plan, but I also feel like I”m getting stronger and more confident with each run. Woo hoo!

I am still flying through my last mile, time wise. My long run on Sunday was miles, and my splits were: 10:20, 10:23, 10:21, and 9:45. I just think it’s so interesting how I’m running out of gas and also full of energy. Love it! (We’ll see if this keeps up for my 11 mile long run, right?!).

Marvelous is…heading to my alma mater, UW-Madison, for my Sunday run. For my long run yesterday, I got up and drove to campus. UW is a beautiful campus and is incredibly runner and biker friendly. I went to the Lakeshore Path and ran out to Picnic Point. It was such a gorgeous backdrop and perfect day (70 degrees, 73% humidity, but with a breeze) for a run. And I was super motivated because when I was an undergrad (or even a grad) student, there was no way I could comfortably run 4 miles. It felt good to see the progress I’ve made in my life over the past how many years!

uwrunPicnic Point is the little isthmus in the distance

Marvelous is…tennis balls and frozen water bottles. Random, right? Well, I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain in my heel lately, and after chatting with some friends and asking at my local shoe store, I’m pretty sure I have plantar fasciitis. Ugh. What that means is the ligament that stretches from my heel to toes and supports my arch is inflamed. Common ways to help relieve pain is to run your foot over a tennis ball and/or frozen water bottle twice a day for 15 minutes. I’m also going to chat with my shoe store today to see about other options, such as wraps, compression socks, etc. Hopefully this is something I can manage on my own and will get better.


Marvelous is…magazines! I got the new Self and Runner’s World this weekend and have been devouring them. I’ve been debating back and forth about getting a subscription to Runner’s World and I think I’m going to! I was really surprised by how much I loved the articles and tips!


Finally, marvelous is…Orange is the New Black. OMG. I watched the series in about a week and a half (it’s only 13 episodes and I don’t have cable!). I loved it – I think it’s hilarious, but also has some real heart. Looking forward to season 2!



So what’s on the docket for this week? Well, training week #2. But, I’m going to scale back on my miles and training to hopefully help my foot heal and recover a bit. It’s killing me, but I know in the long run it’s what is in my best interest.

Be sure to check out tomorrow’s guest post from Beth at Mangoes and Miles! She has some great insight to share with those of us who are training for our first half marathon!

Your Turn!

  • What was marvelous about your weekend?
  • Ever have a running/sport related injury? What was it? How did you recover?
  • Seriously, who else is watching Orange is the New Black?!

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Email: RacingBananas22@gmail.com
Twitter: @RacingBananas
Instagram: Kim_RacingBananas
Facebook: Racing Bananas
Pinterest: KimDino22
Bloglovin: Racing Bananas

MIMM: Training Begins and Fooooood

Happy, Happy Monday!

I have to say – this weekend was exhausting! Friday night, I headed over to babysit for a family I’ve known since 2005. I got there Friday and got home Sunday. 3 days of babysitting. for nine year old twin girls and a six year old boy. I have to say – it was hard. I have such a newfound respect for mothers – it is a TON of work to take care of 3 kids, non-stop. When I got home yesterday, I just laid on the couch and enjoyed the silence and stillness that surrounded me. I’m so not ready to be a mom yet!

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Left: Remember Lucy? I was babysitting her family; Right: Relaxing at the pool on Saturday

This Monday I’m linking up with Marvelous in My Monday (MIMM). Thanks to Katie at Healthy Diva Eats for hosting!

Marvelous is…starting my half marathon training officially! I am so excited and nervous to start this new journey. I can’t believe in 12 weeks I’ll (hopefully!) be ready to run 13.1 miles!

On the docket for today is 3 miles, which I can handle! I’ll be running tonight after work – I can’t remember the last time I was so excited for a run!

madisonmarathon logoNovember 10 is the big day!

Marvelous is…jumping back on my healthy living train. I put together a meal plan for the week for myself and spent last night prepping food. I know I let things go a bit over the past month, but it feels good to be re-focusing. I like having a plan and am hoping I can stick to it!

IMG_2677Meal plan set through Friday (when I head to stay with Charlie for the weekend!!)

Marvelous is…having fantastic friends! After getting done with my babysitting weekend, I picked up Heidi to go grocery shopping and she had a delicious chocolate cupcake waiting for me. She knew I needed it!


Marvelous is…no bake oatmeal nit butter balls from Peanut Butter Fingers! PBFingers posted this recipe on her blog last week and I had to try them. They’re delicious! I substituted the almond butter for Dark Chocolate peanut butter (because it’s what I had) and it was just as tasty.


Marvelous is…Tazo Chai Tea concentrate. Jessi got me a carton of this to try since she drinks chai tea lattes every morning and knows I love them. It’s not 100% like getting a Chai Tea Latte at Starbucks, but it’s pretty dang close. I’m kind of loving this stuff right now! (And bonus, it was on sale at Hy-Vee yesterday!).


Marvelous is…reading! I’ve been devouring books lately, most recently Divergent. Totally on the bandwagon. I read it this weekend and loved it. I started Insurgent last night!

Your Turn!

  • How was your weekend?
  •  What’s marvelous in your life right now?

Looking to connect with Racing Bananas even more?! Here’s how:

Email: RacingBananas22@gmail.com
Twitter: @RacingBananas
Instagram: Kim_RacingBananas
Facebook: Racing Bananas
Pinterest: KimDino22
Bloglovin: Racing Bananas

MIMM: Racing Banana’s 100th Post!

Happy, Happy Monday! Today is particularly awesome because it marks Racing Bananas 100th post! When I started Racing Bananas in April, I had no idea what would happen. I didn’t know if I would make it past the 1st post, and here I am at 100. Writing that first post changed my life and I’m incredibly grateful to have connected with so many people over the past almost four months!

I think this is a GREAT reason to celebrate Marvelous in My Monday. Thanks to Katie for hosting!

Marvelous is…spending Friday through today with my dad up north. I always have such a great time when the two of us head up by ourselves. We spend lots of time talking, hiking, and enjoying life. It’s always low key and reminds me how fortunate I am to have a dad to do things like this with!

IMG_2407Our “Shack”

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Left: My dad building our fire; Right: My dad shooting at the target

Inside the shack – these two deer were found after a spar in the woods and we mounted them in the shack.

Marvelous is…deciding to try my hand at deer hunting this fall and practicing shooting a gun. Now, I’m aware that people have mixed feelings on hunting and that’s fine. I grew up in a hunting family and I’m excited to do this with my dad and brother. Turns out, I’m a pretty good shot! I got pretty bruised up (my shoulder is black and blue!) and got an injury from the trigger guard on my gun accidentally breaking off (scared the crap out of my dad and I and left me with a swollen finger!), but I still had fun practicing!

Left: My target!; Right: Being tough. No makeup, no filter. A little scary!

Marvelous is…campfires. Gosh, I love campfires. And we needed our fire this weekend, because Saturday and Sunday never got warmer than 55 degrees! 55 degrees. IN. JULY! It’s typically in the 90s at this time of year up north. Thankfully I packed some yoga pants and a sweatshirt…but I still froze! Saturday night it was down in the 40s. Uck. Made me appreciate summer just a bit 🙂

Back to campfires. Sitting by the campfire, drinking a Blue Moon and reading (Bossypants by Tina Fey…hilarious) is basically my idea of heaven.

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Marvelous is…hiking, nature, and deer. My dad and I covered A LOT of land this weekend. We went hiking on trails and out in the forest. It was beautiful out there and it felt good to be outside in nature. And, we saw A LOT of deer. On Friday and Sunday, we saw 25 deer (each day) between the front and back fields by the shack. Sunday night we went shining (shining is when you drive around with a spotlight in the dark, looking for deer) and saw over 100. Yup.


Marvelous is…food. Just saying. This weekend I didn’t think about health or calories or anything. I ate burgers, brats, ribs, potato chips, banana bars…you get the picture. It felt good to eat things my body loves. And now I feel bloated and will go back to my regularly scheduled eats! Haha.

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Our weekend was fantastic. It’s always hard to head back to real life after a weekend up north, because up there, I don’t have to worry about anything. Things are as simple as “What do I want to do?” and then I do that. Who doesn’t love that?

I hope you all had a good weekend and maybe had a chance to escape and do the things you love too!

Your Turn!

  • How was your weekend? What did you do?
  • What books are you reading lately?

MIMM: Just “Doing Me”

Happy Monday! It’s a new week and for me, hopefully a new start. This past week has been a bit of a struggle, but I’m using today as a starting point to get my life back on track. My weekend was pretty low key – I spent time with friends and had a lot of “me” time, which I think I was in need of. It felt good to not be go, go, go and have time to really sit and do some of the things I’ve been missing.

Like I did last week, I’m linking up with Katie’s Marvelous in My Monday. Love the positivity of this link-up!

Marvelous is…reading good books. This weekend I blew through Mindy Kaling’s “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (and other concerns)” and it was awesome! I read it in two days and found myself laughing outloud for most of it. I love her on The Office and The Mindy Project, and her book was just as hilarious! I also started reading “Running with the Kenyans” by Adharanand Finn, which is also pretty awesome. It’s about Finn’s journey to move to Kenya and learn the secret of why Kenyans are such badass runners. I’m halfway through and cannot put it down!


Marvelous is…having such great friends. I’m the first to admit, I have a small, close-knit group of friends. I really don’t do the whole “acquaintance” thing. But as I was talking with Heidi on Friday night, I realized how amazing my friendships are. I get very specific things from each of my friendships, but have come to realize that they do not revolve around gossiping about other people, but instead are really supportive and meaningful.

DSC03042Old school! Heidi and I in 2010. Like my bangs?!

Marvelous is…running. Seriously, I’m having a bit of a runner’s high lately. After Saturday’s run, I’m feeling so much better about where I am and what I can accomplish. Tonight, I’m actually meeting up with a local running club for a 4 mile run. I’m a bit terrified to meet new people and run with them, but I’m taking on the attitude of “why not?!” I was invited to run by a Madison woman I met through blogging/Girls on the Run/social media, who has a really inspiring story. I can’t wait to tell you all about my experience!


Marvelous is…starting to feel like I have control again. I had a tough time last week, and still haven’t fully regained control of where I want to be. But Sunday morning, I sat down and put together a grocery list and meal plan for the week. I’m hoping this will help me feel more in control about eating and hopefully less crazed at night when I’m wanting to eat but am not actually hungry.

Marvelous is…overnight oats. Did you check out my recipe for Strawberry Overnight Oats from this weekend? I know it’s probably pretty basic for most of you, but I don’t really create things, so it was exciting to throw this together and have it actually taste good!


Marvelous is…One Tree Hill. I got sucked in Saturday morning and have been watching it on Netflix ever since. It’s tied with Dawson’s Creek as one of my all time favorite TV shows. I just love the completely absurd drama. Anyone else?

Marvelous is…Grown Ups 2. Went to the the movies last night and it was pretty hilarious! It was nice to sit down and not think, just laugh for two hours (and with a cute boy — go me! haha).

As for July Goals…

I would say they went pretty well last week, except for the whole binge eating thing. I exercised every day but Monday – now that I have a gym membership and am doing botha  Yoga II and 15-15-15 strength class with Heidi, I have a lot more incentive to work out and do more than just run. I’m starting to work on a plan to incorporate runs on the days I do yoga or 15-15-15 as well, but am trying to take things slowly as to not overexert myself.

Thinking positively was more of a struggle last week, as you know, but I’m really working on sticking to it. My mindset right now is to just take each day as it is. Kaitlin told me in a comment that she sees each day as a new canvas and a new start – I’ve really taken that too heart. In yoga last week, the instructor said “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and that’s why we call it the present.” I love this and think it’s so true. I can’t change what has happened and don’t know what coming, so might as well live in the present and make the best of it.


Your Turn!

  • How was your weekend? Were you busy, busy or did you have a relaxing weekend?
  • What movies or tv shows are you digging lately?

Marvelous in My Monday #1 and July Goals

Happy, Happy Monday! In line with working to be positive and focus on the good in my life, I decided to link up with Katie’s Marvelous in My Monday (MIMM). Some of my favorite bloggers link up with this every week and I thought it would be a great way to reflect on the great things I have going on in my life!

Marvelous is…having a great long weekend spent with family and friends. To be honest, I don’t really have any pictures from this weekend’s festivities. But that’s ok, but I’d rather enjoy my time living than worry about taking a perfect picture — sorry guys! I went to a local baseball game, bbq, and out for drinks on the 4th of July – it was a lot of fun and I got a tad sunburned! Friday I ran lots of errands and met a friend at a local bar for some pool and darts. Saturday was spent running, seeing Charlie, and then going to dinner and drinks with friends and on Sunday, my parents came to visit! My weekend was incredibly busy but a lot of fun!

Marvelous is…being fitted for my new Brooks Glycerin running shoes! On Friday, I went to Fleet Feet Sports in Madison to finally get fitted for some decent running shoes! It took about a half hour and I tried on A LOT of shoes, but ultimately went with the Brooks Glycerins. They’re awesome! Electric blue would not have been my first choice in color, but my wide, wide feet meant there was no choice in color! Oh well, they are so comfy and give great support. Feels good to have a real good pair of shoes!

IMG_2156Brand new!

Marvelous is…giving in and getting a gym membership. A few weeks ago, I bought a Groupon for a 2 month gym membership. Well, I went to redeem it and was convinced to get an actual membership. Honestly, it’s well overdue. My outdoor runs are becoming quite hard and the gym has an indoor track! I’m looking forward to doing more strength training, trying out classes, and focusing on my overall fitness!

Marvelous is…getting to see Charlie on Saturday! On Saturday, I stopped by and picked up Charlie for a walk. We headed to the local trails and he had fun sniffing everything! It was great to spend some time with my best bud and it felt good to see him and not be overcome with sadness. I’m so happy that both of us have adjusted to life without each other!

IMG_2160Charlie and me. I missed my buddy! IMG_2161

Marvelous is…getting an Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks on an 85 degree day after walking Charlie! Yum. Just yum.


Marvelous is…having meals packed with fruits and veggies and noticing a difference in how I feel. You’ll see more on Wednesday for WIAW, but I’ve been digging salads and yogurt topped with fruit!
IMG_2141 IMG_2145

Marvelous is…getting out there and running hard. I’m addicted to running and it feels great. It’s killing me to take rest days and do different things, because all I think about is running. How far I can go and my pace and how I feel as the sun hits my shoulders when I run. I love this feeling!

July Goals

I’ve actually gotten off to a pretty great start with my July goals!

Think Positively. I’ve really been trying to make an effort to think positively and have noticed a difference in how I feel about myself and with my mindset generally. Overall, I focused on not being down on myself when I look in the mirror and don’t see exactly what I want to see or when I have to take a minute breather on my runs and for the most part, I succeeded. Was I 100% positive all the time? Nope, but I also don’t think that’s completely realistic. I think just being more aware of my mindset and adjusting it as needed was a great way to start my positivity kick!

Eating more fruits and veggies daily. I really did great with eating healthy this week! I was surrounded by fruits and veggies and tried to incorporate them into each of my meals. Honestly, I noticed a huge difference with how my body felt and my energy level. I already went grocery shopping and stocked up for the week!

Meal Planning. I would say meal planning is probably the goal I need a little more work on. I have a general meal plan for the week, but with house sitting last week and heading back to house sit this week, it’s a tad hard. But so long as I’m sticking to my goal of fitting in fruits and veggies with my meals and having a general food game plan, I figure I’m still on the right track!

Workout at least 5 days per week, including more yoga and strength training. I really did awesome with workouts this week. Maybe a little too awesome, since I really didn’t have a rest day. Between fitting in my runs and going to the gym, I really got my butt in to high gear this week and again, feel a big difference! Most of my workouts were cardio, but I did fit in some strength training as well.

july goals

Your Turn!

  • How was your weekend?
  • What is “magnificent” in your life right now?
  • How are your July goals coming along?