Guest Post! 7 Tips for First Time Half Marathon Runners

Happy Tuesday all! For today’s post, I’ve asked the wonderful Beth from Mangoes and Miles to chat with you about training for your first half marathon. I know a lot of you are training for your first half, like me, and I love hearing Beth’s perspective – especially since she ran her first half this spring! After reading her tips, I highly recommend heading over to her blog and checking out some of her other posts – she is one of my favorite bloggers for a reason!

7 Tips for First Time Half Marathon Runners

Hey guys! I’m Beth from Mangoes and Miles, my little corner of the internet where I geek out about running and the copious amounts of froyo that I eat.

fourth of july froyo

I never really liked running that much. I’ve only been running consistently since February, when I decided that I wanted to run a half marathon. (Because that’s what everyone who dislikes running does, right?) 2.5 weeks before my race, I ended up burnt out and injured and almost considered not running—until I did, got addicted, and immediately started scouting out opportunities for my next race.

cleveland half medal

I’m in the midst of training for the Long Beach Half Marathon in October. After that, I plan on building on my half marathon training to run the Chevron Houston MARATHON in January! (Crazy talk. I still don’t really know how that happened.)

I’m honored to be here today and share a teensy bit of my (non-expansive) wisdom with you so you don’t end up like me. Being burnt out and injured is not fun…especially 2.5 weeks before your race.

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert on running. (Although I wish I was.) What I say may or may not be applicable to you and I’m definitely not the end-all-be-all. I’m just here to share my personal experiences.

Before you do anything else:


I started training in the shoes I used for cross-training. They weren’t made for long-distance running. My feet hurt after every run, and I eventually developed plantar faciitis and hip problems. Any specialty running store will analyze your gait and get you fitted for free. Dropping $100 on a new pair of shoes now is nothing compared to the pain and physical therapy charges you’ll rack up later.

brooks pureflow 2

2. You may have to train to train.

If you don’t have any sort of running base, you need to develop that before you dive into a plan. Most plans’ mileage in the first week is in the teens, and if you’re like me and only ran 2.5 miles every other week, it’s hard to keep up that mileage week after week.

3. Don’t focus on speed.

Running 13.1 miles is hard enough. I didn’t do any speed work to prepare for my first half, and this time around I only have 1 day (out of 5) devoted to speed work. For newer runners, the key thing is consistency: the more you run, the faster you’ll get. Unless you’re an experienced runner, focus on just finishing the 13.1 miles.

4. Go easy when you need to, go hard when you need to.

If there is one thing I could tell every first-time long distance runner, it’s this. Training for my first half, I would go out every day and try to make that run faster than the day before.

Your body just can’t physically sustain that high mileage at that fast of a pace. It needs time to recover, and if you’re going max effort 5 times a week, it doesn’t have that time. Most of your runs should be at an easy, conversational pace. Even the pros run easy most of the time—out of Kara Goucher’s 14 training runs per week, 9 are easy.

kara goucher(Source)

On a different, but still related, note, don’t run your long runs too fast. Your long runs should ideally be anywhere between 60-90 seconds slower than your intended race pace. The point of your long runs isn’t to see how fast you can go far, rather, it’s to get your body used to being upright and moving for so long.

5. Use your long runs to get comfortable with your race day routine.

Find a breakfast that works for you, and stick with it on race day. If you’re traveling for your race, make sure you can access your chosen breakfast. Figure out when you want to take fuel. (Please take fuel for your longer long runs, at the very least. I once did an 11-miler without any fuel…never again.)

6. Listen to your body.

If something hurts, take a day off. If you’re thirsty on a long run, get some water. If you’re huffing and puffing during an easy run, slow down. Your body knows exactly what it needs—you just need to listen to it.

7. Mentally prepare to go a little more than 13.1 miles.


New racers are always surprised that their Garmin says they ran more than 13.1 miles. The course is most likely measured through the “shortest possible distance” method, which means that you would need to take all the tangents perfectly to run exactly 13.1 miles. You don’t need to run extra in training to compensate for this, but just be aware that when your Garmin strikes 13.1 on race day, you’ve still got a little left to go. You can read a little more about how courses are measured and maybe pick up a few tips on how to run the shortest route here.

Your Turn!

  • What are your thoughts? Any other tips and tricks you would add?
  • Favorite froyo flavor?!

And We’re Off!

Happy Tuesday all!

Yesterday kicked off my half marathon training (are you sick of hearing about this yet?!). Woot woot! I’m mostly following Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 plan, which is 12 weeks long. I’m making adjustments as I need to for my schedule and to fit in Body Pump classes – I have my priorities down! Here is what this week looks like:


Last night I ran my first 3 miles. I was so excited for this run you would have thought I was running my half marathon. Ridiculous. And unfortunately, all this excitement and pressure slightly impacted my run. My first half mile didn’t go so great. I was all in my head and critiquing every little thing, staring at my Garmin to check my pace. I finally realized that I was being ridiculous (this happens a lot!).

So, I turned my Garmin so I could see it as easily, turned up my music, and shut off my mind. All of a sudden, my run got way better. I hit my stride and fell into a good rhythm. Before I knew it, the 3 miles were up and my run was over. I ended up having a negative split on the last mile too!

Mile 1: 10:36
Mile 2: 10:51
Mile 3: 10:29


Overall, it’s not the best run I’ve ever had, but that’s ok. I realized I had put too much pressure on myself and I really felt how that affected my overall run. I need to remember to get out of my head and focus on the present. I’m just training for a race – it’s important to me, but it isn’t the only thing I have going for me. I need to remember that even though I’m training, I’m still just running. If I forget that I love doing it, than it’s going to be a long 12 weeks!

I’ve also been really working on perfecting my training/race playlist to help keep myself pumped up and at pace. I spent a lot (read: too much) time on the order of the songs, but I actually finished a run without changing the song ever 20 seconds, which is a feat for me! This is what I have so far and I have to say, it was fantastic!

Mr. Brightside – The Killers
Roar – Katy Perry
We Can’t Stop – Miley Cyrus
Little Bit of Everything – Keith Urban
Bye, Bye, Bye – NSYNC
Right Now  – SR-71
Low – Flo Rida
Cruise (Remix) – Florida Georgia Line feat. Nelly
Party in the USA – Miley Cyrus
7 Things  – Miley Cyrus
Super Bass – Nikki Minaj
The Edge of Glory – Lady Gaga
Ignition (Remix) – R. Kelly
99 Problems (Explicit) – Jay Z

There about 200 songs on my playlist and as my runs get longer I’ll see how the songs go together. Part of me could just repeat these songs on a loop though!

Your Turn!

  • I know I ask all the time, but feel free to send song suggestions my way! I’ve gotten some great new music from you guys!
  • What are your workouts looking like this week?
  • What’s your favorite Dairy Queen blizzard flavor?


Getting My Head in the Game

Happy Thursday!

This summer, I feel like I’ve been floundering a bit. When I was living with Charlie, I was walking 3-5 miles per day and had a pretty good grasp on my nutrition. I indulged, but didn’t overindulge.

IMG_1135This stinker helped keep me active!

I’m not sure what happened this summer, but that changed. I think not walking twice per day, but instead beginning to run changed my routine. I think having more freedom allowed me to think less about my diet. I think because of life getting in the way, I lost my focus.

I’ve totally lost my focus.

I started to realize this in yoga. I have been loving yoga, but lately I can’t get into it because my mind is going 900 miles per minute. In my strength class, I’m so worried about life that I can’t focus on exercising. At work, I let myself get sucked up in stress that I eat chocolate all day at my desk. Healthy living has taken a backseat to other life responsibilities.


At yoga last night – it was a challenge! 

I’ve realized that I’ve let a lot of things go. I started off the summer strong, but running and nutrition have taken a backseat. This is freaking me out for two reasons; first, I can feel that my body doesn’t feel as in shape as it did. Which is a crappy feeling. And second, I am running a half marathon in November and I need to be in shape to do so.

As I looked at my calendar, I realized that I begin training for my half marathon on Monday. Monday! 12 weeks from Monday, I will be running a half marathon. Holy crap. Talk about a slap in the face to change my mindset. I want my training to be a new chapter in my life. I had a fun summer and I don’t regret choosing to have fun on some days when I should have been running, but it’s also time to step up.

IMG_2661Working on setting goals and making a plan for myself

I’ve begun planning what I want the next 12 weeks to look like. In conjunction with my training plan, I really, really want to focus on getting my eating back on track. I’ve been lax on cooking for myself and on eating processed food and on indulging WAY TOO MUCH sugar (it’s ridiculous). I’m making some general nutrition and fitness goals for myself and I’m going to begin sharing them on the blog again (did you notice that stopped in July. Whoops!). I like to be accountable and see my progress, so this will be a good step for me.

IMG_2670Wednesday’s breakfast – “Fried” apples with cinnamon and pumpkin spice, with peanut butter. 
Recipe to come!

This week and weekend I’m really going to work on creating my goals, scheduling workouts (I’m obsessed with my calendar!), and meal planning. I want to begin eating “cleaner” and sticking within my budget. I’m convinced I can eat healthy on $30/week and I’m going to make it happen! I can’t wait to share my goals, meal plan, and training with you next week!

For me, beginning to make a plan helps me feel like I am in control. I’m feeling excited and motivated about next steps. I even started off today by getting up at the CRACK OF DAWN to go for a run “with” Jessi (aka  we texted each other about running and texted each other our mileage). Every day is a new day and instead of being hard on myself, I’m allowing myself to feel hope and excitement about what’s to come.


Time to start feeling good about where I am again!

   Your Turn!

  • It’s “back to school”/end of summer time. Any new goals you’re looking to achieve?

A Weekend Away – Recap!

Happy Monday! Well, kind of happy. To be honest, this weekend was quite bittersweet. It was amazing to be home and see my family and friends and spend time with Charlie, but it was also incredibly hard to leave. I’d call it heartbreaking, even.

But that’s life, right? The weekend was still a blast.

On Thursday night, I picked up Charlie and we got on the road. Within about 20 minutes, my cars hazard light was flashing and I had an alert telling me to check the TPS system. Awesome – this is the THIRD car problem I’ve had this summer. After pulling over on the freeway (scary, much less with a dog in the car!), I determined my tires were fine and my brother told me my sensors were probably messed up, but I could drive home (I was terrified the whole way, haha!).

But we made it home safely and Charlie and I were greeted by my mom, dad, Kevin, and our family dog, Ella. It felt great to be home with my favorite people. I haven’t been to Milwaukee since Memorial Day and I was missing my family.

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Left: Charlie; Right: Kevin trying to be just like Charlie. Silly guy!

Friday morning, Charlie and I were up at 5am — I forgot how early he likes to get up and get going! I took advantage of the morning, and Charlie and I went for a walk, then made some coffee and enjoyed the quiet morning. My dad got up a bit later than us, and I spent the morning chatting with my parents and enjoying the beautiful morning.

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Right: Kevin FINALLY fixing my spare tire (from June!)

Friday night, Jessi, Todd, and Steven came over for a BBQ. Jessi came over right after work so we were lucky to have some girl time! I hadn’t seen my bestie since May either, so even though we talk every day, it felt really good to see her. She brought me a FABULOUS, unofficial foodie pen pal package that I’m going to share with you guys soon. It was so sweet of her to bring me some of her favorite treats!

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My parents were kind enough to basically put together the BBQ so I could spend some quality time with my friends. I have pictures to share on Wednesday, but definitely ate well (besides a little snafu with some hamburgers – you’ll get a kick out of this story on Wednesday!). After dinner, we played Cards Against Humanity…with my mom. Not sure if you’ve ever played this game, but let me tell you, you don’t want to play it with your mom. Awkward.

Saturday was a low key day, which was perfect. I spent lots of time snuggling with Charlie, reading, and getting stuff down around the house (my parent’s have turned my room into a guest room so I have LOTS of things to go through!).

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Saturday night – hanging with Charlie and hanging in the backyard. My brother and I got in a serious game of catch!
Left: How cute – Charlie and Ella snuggling!; Right: Just SOME of the bruises Charlie gave me from…ahem…humping my leg. It’s a dominance thing…

Sunday was the big day — the Color Run! I got up early and met my aunt, her friend Joelene, her son Brendan, and my uncle to drive down to Miller Park for the Run. It was a blast!

The race began at 9am and were lucky enough to be in the 2nd wave of runners so we started right away! The Color Run is a fun run – I would say more people walked it, rather than run. There are four color zones, where volunteers squirt dry paint at you. We had a great time!


Group before and after shots!

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Left: My Aunt and I after the race; Right: Me, NOT enjoying the big color throw, apparently. Ha!
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Me, after. Definitely looked like a rainbow when it was all done!

After the run, I headed home for some last minute time with my family. I got to wish my brother’s sweet girlfriend,Nicole, a happy birthday and enjoyed my last hours with Charlie. I’ll be honest – I was a wreck. There were lots of tears. I keep having to say goodbye to this dog who has stolen my heart – it just seems unfair! But I’ll be watching him again in two weeks – hopefully time will help ease the pain.


Now I’m back in Madison. I have a busy week this week (hopefully the last before things slow down a bit). I get to babysit EG tomorrow night, which I’m thrilled about, since I haven’t seen her in over a month! I also have my last yoga and 15-15-15 strength class, and then this weekend, I am baby/dog/housesitting. There’s a good chance I’ll die of exhaustion – but I’m sure it will be a blast, too!

Your Turn!

  • How was your weekend? Have a busy week coming up?

Treadmill Running

Happy Tuesday!

So I think I mentioned this, but about two weeks ago I gave in, swallowed my pride, loosened my wallet strings and decided that I needed get a gym membership. I decided so for two reasons. First, it is too flipping hot to be running outside and I need my running fix. Second, I need to do more strength training and with the gym, I get lots of equipment to use and classes to try.

So far, I’m pretty happy with my decision. I’ve tried out a couple of classes and have finally gotten on the dreaded treadmill.

Yup, dreaded.

I’ll be totally honest, I love running outside. One of my favorite things about running is being outside and taking in nature and enjoying the time that I have with myself to reflect on things going on in my life. That time with myself is one of the big motivators I have to get myself out there after a long day of work and just run.

But it’s been in the 90s and ridiculously humid in Wisconsin and I can’t safely run outside. The last time I tried an outdoor run in the afternoon I could barely run, got incredibly lightheaded, dizzy, and just couldn’t do it. So, that’s where the treadmill comes in.

My first treadmill run last Thursday was tough. I got to the gym and after searching for the perfect treadmill during peak hours (rookie move!), I settled on one in between two pretty hardcore runners (not totally by choice!). I think I set the pace too high for myself and wore myself out too quickly. I was huffing and puffing after 1.75 miles and literally couldn’t run anymore. I’m glad that I did it, but I wasn’t feeling to confident about it.

image (3)Instagram silliness

Last night, after I got to my car and it was 102 degrees (WHAT?!), I decided that going to the gym was probably my best bet. I thought I would give the treadmill a try again – why not? I’m so glad that I did, because this run was completely different than my run on Thursday. I started with a good warm up and instead of exerting myself, started out with an “easier” pace of 5.0. As I ran, 5.0 became a little too easy, so I began to alternate between running at 6.0 or 6.5 and then recovering with about a 5.2 pace. The first couple of minutes were tough, but once I hit my stride I felt great! I ended up pumping out 4 miles, which I couldn’t believe!

(Total random thought — in April, it killed me to run one mile. I could barely finish a mile without almost dying. Three months later and running four miles is now my new normal. I cannot explain how empowering this is — I kind of teared up when I realized this yesterday!)

Anyways! I’m still not 100% sold on treadmill running. I think it can be tough to find that “right” pace and I absolutely don’t love seeing my mileage and time in my face as I run – to me, that makes me focus more on how far and fast I’m going, rather than the actual running itself. I also don’t love running in the gym – my runs are all about disconnecting (like not even bringing my phone!), so being on a treadmill, surrounded by people and TVs is not ideal.

IMG_1759Love the outdoor view

But there are some positives at well. I think I’m going to love doing some speed training on the treadmill – I really love pushing up the speed and making myself sprint for a certain time or distance. I did also love the “competition” of running next to someone and wanting to keep up. I’m a tad competitive in nature, so that really helps me with my motivation.

So overall, the treadmill isn’t as horrible as I thought it was going to be. And in addition to the crazy amounts of cardio machines, my gym also has a track. So between running outside (which I hope to do at least 2x per week), running on the track, and running on the treadmill, I think I’ll be able to fit in my runs in different ways and keep up with my training.

Just as an FYI, if you’re wondering about running on the treadmill or maybe just looking for more info, the wonderful Beth sent me a couple of posts on treadmill running/training that I found really helpful.
Peanut Butter Fingers – training for a half marathon on the treadmill
RunEmz – training for a marathon on the treadmill

So those are my thoughts on the treadmill. And I apologize if this post seems a little disjointed, because I had absolutely no focus last night and for some reason would rather Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text, and email than focus on a post. It happens…what can I say!

Your Turn:

  • Are you a treadmill runner? What are your favorite treadmill runs/exercises?
  • Anyone else watch the Bachelorette last night? I won’t spoil it, but I was devastated by the guy that was sent home. He was one of my faves 😦 (also can’t believe I’m sharing my love of the Bachelorette for the whole world to see, haha!)

Running Strawberry Overnight Oats

Heyo! I usually don’t post on Saturdays but was feeling it and thought I would go with it! I woke up (just kidding, was WOKEN UP) by Lucy the dog at 7am. Not ideal, but it got me out of bed early enough that I could do my morning run outside. This ended up being a godsend, because I had the best run I’ve had in a really long time.

I got out and actively decided to slow down my pace to see how it would effect me overall. I ran at about an 11:00 pace for 3.3 miles and could have kept going. My past couple runs have been tough, I think in large part to the combination of the ridiculous heat and my not pacing myself better. I was only planning to run 1.75 miles today, hoping to just finish that and ended up doubling my mileage. Honestly, it’s a great feeling!

This is a good lesson for me and one I need to keep reminding myself of. I’m new to running again. I may have ran in the past, but honestly, it kind of means nothing. I am running and training with where my body is today. And if that means I need to slow down a bit, then good. I will slow down and run further and feel better.



When I got back from my run, I took Lucy for a quick walk and then dug in to the overnight oats I made last night. I wasn’t entirely sure they would turn out – I’ve never made my own overnight oats and there aren’t any chia seeds here, since I’m at someone else’s house. This was a recipe for disaster. Except it worked!



2/3 c rolled or instant oats
1 6oz container of Chobani (I used strawberry)
about 1/4 c milk
Toppings: strawberries, raspberries, granola

Last night, I mixed the oats, Chobani, and milk together in a large bowl, covered with saran wrap, and put in the fridge. As you may know, typically chia seeds are needed for overnight oats, because they help thicken everything up. I adjusted by using less milk, and they were fine.

This morning, I took out my oats, added about 1/3 c milk (I eyeballed this and added until it was the consistency I wanted) and stirred. Then I added strawberries, raspberries, and some delicious granola I bought yesterday. Totally delicious and filling. Win!

(Side note: does everyone agree that when Chobani is involved, it makes everything 10x better? Yup, totally does).

Moving on!

As some of you know, I’ve been struggling this week with binge eating and being in a negative place with myself. Last night, I had dinner with my friend Heidi and we talked about this for a bit. One thing she said, and I agree, is that I’m not giving or listening to what my body needs. I think I haven’t been eating enough carbs or protein (not on purpose!) and that by the time evening rolls around, I’m kind of famished. So I’m working on actively trying to balance my meals better throughout the day and think more about how I need to fuel my body as I begin training more for my half marathon. Like I said yesterday, I’m taking each day as it comes and trying to be positive, and am feeling better than I have been. I’ll definitely keep you updated as I work on getting myself where I want to be.

Well, I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday! See you tomorrow for Sunday Social!

Your Turn:

  • How are you going to be active today? Are you a runner like me or do you prefer something else?
  • Any yummy overnight oat recipes to share?






Marvelous in My Monday #1 and July Goals

Happy, Happy Monday! In line with working to be positive and focus on the good in my life, I decided to link up with Katie’s Marvelous in My Monday (MIMM). Some of my favorite bloggers link up with this every week and I thought it would be a great way to reflect on the great things I have going on in my life!

Marvelous is…having a great long weekend spent with family and friends. To be honest, I don’t really have any pictures from this weekend’s festivities. But that’s ok, but I’d rather enjoy my time living than worry about taking a perfect picture — sorry guys! I went to a local baseball game, bbq, and out for drinks on the 4th of July – it was a lot of fun and I got a tad sunburned! Friday I ran lots of errands and met a friend at a local bar for some pool and darts. Saturday was spent running, seeing Charlie, and then going to dinner and drinks with friends and on Sunday, my parents came to visit! My weekend was incredibly busy but a lot of fun!

Marvelous is…being fitted for my new Brooks Glycerin running shoes! On Friday, I went to Fleet Feet Sports in Madison to finally get fitted for some decent running shoes! It took about a half hour and I tried on A LOT of shoes, but ultimately went with the Brooks Glycerins. They’re awesome! Electric blue would not have been my first choice in color, but my wide, wide feet meant there was no choice in color! Oh well, they are so comfy and give great support. Feels good to have a real good pair of shoes!

IMG_2156Brand new!

Marvelous is…giving in and getting a gym membership. A few weeks ago, I bought a Groupon for a 2 month gym membership. Well, I went to redeem it and was convinced to get an actual membership. Honestly, it’s well overdue. My outdoor runs are becoming quite hard and the gym has an indoor track! I’m looking forward to doing more strength training, trying out classes, and focusing on my overall fitness!

Marvelous is…getting to see Charlie on Saturday! On Saturday, I stopped by and picked up Charlie for a walk. We headed to the local trails and he had fun sniffing everything! It was great to spend some time with my best bud and it felt good to see him and not be overcome with sadness. I’m so happy that both of us have adjusted to life without each other!

IMG_2160Charlie and me. I missed my buddy! IMG_2161

Marvelous is…getting an Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks on an 85 degree day after walking Charlie! Yum. Just yum.


Marvelous is…having meals packed with fruits and veggies and noticing a difference in how I feel. You’ll see more on Wednesday for WIAW, but I’ve been digging salads and yogurt topped with fruit!
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Marvelous is…getting out there and running hard. I’m addicted to running and it feels great. It’s killing me to take rest days and do different things, because all I think about is running. How far I can go and my pace and how I feel as the sun hits my shoulders when I run. I love this feeling!

July Goals

I’ve actually gotten off to a pretty great start with my July goals!

Think Positively. I’ve really been trying to make an effort to think positively and have noticed a difference in how I feel about myself and with my mindset generally. Overall, I focused on not being down on myself when I look in the mirror and don’t see exactly what I want to see or when I have to take a minute breather on my runs and for the most part, I succeeded. Was I 100% positive all the time? Nope, but I also don’t think that’s completely realistic. I think just being more aware of my mindset and adjusting it as needed was a great way to start my positivity kick!

Eating more fruits and veggies daily. I really did great with eating healthy this week! I was surrounded by fruits and veggies and tried to incorporate them into each of my meals. Honestly, I noticed a huge difference with how my body felt and my energy level. I already went grocery shopping and stocked up for the week!

Meal Planning. I would say meal planning is probably the goal I need a little more work on. I have a general meal plan for the week, but with house sitting last week and heading back to house sit this week, it’s a tad hard. But so long as I’m sticking to my goal of fitting in fruits and veggies with my meals and having a general food game plan, I figure I’m still on the right track!

Workout at least 5 days per week, including more yoga and strength training. I really did awesome with workouts this week. Maybe a little too awesome, since I really didn’t have a rest day. Between fitting in my runs and going to the gym, I really got my butt in to high gear this week and again, feel a big difference! Most of my workouts were cardio, but I did fit in some strength training as well.

july goals

Your Turn!

  • How was your weekend?
  • What is “magnificent” in your life right now?
  • How are your July goals coming along?