Quotable Friday | Be Your Biggest Fan

Happy, happy Friday! Not only is it the weekend, but a three day weekend! I think that’s cause to celebrate (cue: mini dance party to Roar by Katy Perry. K, done).

After work, I’m jumping in the car and driving down I-94 to spend the weekend in Milwaukee. I’m excited to see my parents and spend some quality time with Jessi! I’m also looking forward to home cooked meals from my dad…and watching cable tv…and invading my parent’s dog, Ella’s, personal space…


I’ve been reflecting a lot lately about where I am, about self-confidence, and about believing in myself. In the past, I know that I have been my biggest enemy. I often fall into a pattern of negative thinking, of telling myself that I’m not good enough or strong enough or pretty enough. It’s really debilitating.

But I’m really trying to be conscious of this and to take every effort to stop the negative thinking circle. And to be honest, I’ve noticed a huge difference in how I feel about myself.


Since I’ve really started running again, I’ve noticed a huge change in how I think and how I feel about myself. Every mile and every run (whether good or bad) have become an accomplishment. When I’m running, I actively try to support myself and to think positively. Some things I’ve started to do regularly are:

  • Only looking at things with a glass half full mentality – I’ve already gone 1 mile! Only .5 miles to go!
  • Mantras. Mantras can be short sayings you use to help power through a run. I like to say to myself “You are good enough” and “You can do this.” To me, it feels empowering.
  • Counting my breathing to focus on the run and not how I feel. I know that I can run the distance, so I need to stop letting me mind believe otherwise!

To be honest, this has become pretty empowering. For me, believing I can do something is more than half the battle. If I can reduce that negative voice in my head, I’m truly amazed by the things I can accomplish!


I think it is important to have a strong support group of people who you know believe in you and that you can go to when you’re doubting yourself. However, I also think (at least for me), that no matter how strong my support group is, I can only get so far before I need to actively believe in myself as well. At the end of the day, it’s my decision and my willpower that gets me out to go for a run (or anything else!).

So often, we let ourselves make decisions based on that little voice in our head that doubts us. It’s so easy to take the easy way out and not try or not take chances because of a fear of failure. But in order to succeed, we also have to be willing to fail, right? Taking chances is a scary thing; it means that we’re actively looking to step out of our comfort zones and try something new. The truth is, there is a chance of failing. But, so what? There is also a chance of something really great happen. I can say, first hand, that by taking chances this summer, my life has become much more happy and fulfilling than when I was sitting inside at my apartment, alone and scared.

I’m not trying to say that things will come easy; in fact, taking chances and putting yourself out there, regardless of what you’re doing, is really scary. But taking chances is what helps us get better and grow, right? That’s my two cents, anyways!

Your Turn!

  • What are your plans for the long weekend?
  • Any chances that you want to take, but haven’t?


20 thoughts on “Quotable Friday | Be Your Biggest Fan

  1. That second quote is great! I’m all about mantras ect. to push myself through a long run (or a long day!).

    It sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you, enjoy!!

  2. Yah!! Great post and great message. Isn’t it interesting that when we run we HAVE to be positive about ourselves? Imagine if we didn’t use mantras or had self-doubt, we’d never make it a mile, much less 13.1 or 26.2!

  3. I definitely want to run a half, but haven’t take the plunge yet to register for one. Someday! I love the quote that doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.. definitely have to remember that! Have a great long weekend!

  4. I love that first quote it’s very much I need to be at the place I am at in my life right now!

    Woohoo for you being happy this summer that’s a great place to be 🙂 Hope things keeping getting better and better!


    • Agreed! For me, running has really been a way for me to gain confidence and believe in myself – I didn’t realize how much I doubted myself until I started running again in May. I’ve really changed a lot in the past few months, and it feels great!

  5. I completely know what you mean about running having an impact on your self-confidence! One thing that I love about exercises like running are that they require strength from both your mind and body and that you need to have a healthy body and proper fueling to get in those mileage. It’s a nice break from the constant pressure by society to be thin and only ever eat salads!

    I agree- a support group is invaluable!

    Have a great weekend girlie ❤

    • I completely agree – for me, exercise is just as much mental as it is physical. That was kind of a surprising realization, but it’s been a good challenge to take on this summer. Hope you’re having a good weekend too!

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