WIAW – I Made a Plan and I’m Sticking To It!

Happy Wednesday! You know the drill…I’m linking up with Jen from Peas and Crayons WIAW party. Woot!

If you’re a regular reader, you know that I made a pretty comprehensive plan for this week, both for meals and workouts. This is to help get myself back on track, as well as to coincide with my beginning training for my half marathon. So, today is a mix of my eats from this weekend and my plan, which I’ve actually been following!


Breakfast Sunday morning. I found out while spending the weekend babysitting three kids, that moms don’t have a ton of time to eat if they don’t plan ahead. On Sunday, I was lucky enough to chop up some fruit and toast a mini bagel to fuel my morning. I give all you moms out there mad props – I’m still recovering from this weekend!


Sunday night, Laura (the kids’ mom) sent me home with leftover zucchini pie. She made this with zucchini from their CSA and apparently the kids did not love it. I totally did – it was amazing!


Breakfast Monday morning – Coconut Chobani (aka heaven in a bowl!) with chia seeds and cut up strawberries. And a cup of coffee. Of course (Fun fact – that is my favorite mug, had it since middle school, and the same one was featured on Gilmore Girls!).


On Sunday, I prepped my Southwestern Quinoa salad so that I would have a ready made lunch for work. It’s super tasty – I’ll share the recipe soon! So, I had that, with some of the Hatch Pepper cheese that was on sale at Hy-Vee, with strawberries, and a few pretzels. Yum!



For dinner, I prepped some venison burgers! I know not everyone is on the venison bandwagon, which is totally ok! I love it because it’s incredibly lean and (I think) tasty! I topped with the Hatch Pepper cheese again and ate with a side of broccoli and cauliflower.

In training news…

On the calendar for yesterday was strength and stretching, so I decided to try out a Body Pump class at my gym. I got there early and chatted with a couple of women who are regulars. They were great and gave me some good pointers about the class. The class was challenging, but accessible, and I felt great after it was over! I’m really looking forward to Body Pump on Tuesday and Thursday nights (though I can’t go to a Thursday class until September…bummer!).

bodypumpFrom Instagram last night!

Two days in and I’ve stuck to the plan! Ha…check in again on week 5! Really though, I’m feel excited and motivated and I hope this feeling stays, because it’s amazing! On the docket today is a 2 mile run or cross training. I’m meeting my old boss from UW for dinner, so depending on how I feel will dictate my workout. And I’m getting up early Thursday morning for my 3 mile run, so I need to consider that…..decisions, decisions!

Your Turn!

  • What’s the best thing you’ve eaten lately?
  • Do you have a favorite group fitness class?

Looking to connect with Racing Bananas even more?!
Email: RacingBananas22@gmail.com
Twitter: @RacingBananas
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28 thoughts on “WIAW – I Made a Plan and I’m Sticking To It!

  1. Im pretty sure Greek yogurt + chia + fruit is one of the greatest combinations ever! Yummy looking eats. And yay for BodyPump! I can’t get enough of it 🙂

  2. Everyone raves about Body Pump! I wish my gym offered it! I’m actually looking for better cross training options to incorporate into my 10K/half marathon training. Apparently it helps with not getting injured (or reinjured). I look forward to seeing what cross training you do!

  3. That Quinoa salad looks delish! I was really surprised how much I liked venison burgers. Hope you are up and walking around! Walking is really hard today after Mondays leg day! Owie!

  4. Great to hear that you are sticking with a plan! It’s awesome to have one in place but I try not to beat myself up if I stray from it every so often.

  5. Zucchini Pie sounds fabulous! Worked out in your favorite that the kiddos didn’t like it. 😉

    I’m a nanny of a 3-year-old and a (soon to be) newborn & you’re right – you gotta plan for everythingggg or it’ll backfire on ya!

    • Zucchini Pie is fabulous. I’m definitely going to try to recreate it! And mad props to you for being a mom – seriously, I don’t know how you do it, but am so thankful that you do! This weekend honestly opened my eyes and made me so thankful for everything my mom did for me growing up!

  6. Pingback: Southwest Quinoa Salad | Racing Bananas

  7. Pingback: WIAW: Quick, Simple, and Healthy | Racing Bananas

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